Some common deathbed regrets that should worry you
By Sahana Dutt
What are the common deathbed regrets that people have as they await their inevitable death?
This is a question that often comes to my mind. What is it that I will regret most when I reach that stage?
All of us live different lives; some feel fulfilled at a life well lived. Others feel frustrated that they did not get enough time.
Or do they? How can one find out?
It was therefore a great learning for me when I stumbled across an article written by Roman Russo on the Optimal Happiness website.
The article titled Top 21 Deathbed Regrets & Life Lessons From the Dying is based on the experiences and learnings of Bronnie Ware, a nurse who worked in palliative care. As part of her job, she provided relief and support to patients in the last stages of their life.
Nurse Bronnie Ware found that some deathbed regrets continued to figure in the reflections of most of the dying. She compiled a list of these regrets that have been reproduced by Roman Russo in this article.
The 21 regrets are:
1: Not spending enough time with loved ones
2: Not allowing oneself to feel happy
3: Not pursuing one’s dreams
4: Not living a life true to oneself
5: Not taking more risks
6: Not spending enough time in nature
7: Not staying in touch with old friends
8: Not learning another language
9: Not being more grateful
10: Working too much
11: Not traveling more
12: Not making better choices
13: Worrying too much overall
14: Worrying too much about what other people think
15: Not being persistent enough
16: Not trusting intuition enough
17: Not letting go of bitterness and grudges
18: Not comparing oneself to others
19: Disregarding physical health
20: Disregarding mental health
21: Not being more spiritual
I am sure some of these regrets will strike a chord in you also. If you still have time, then you must reduce your regrets.
Please click here to read the detailed article.
I also invite you to list any regrets that you have in the Comments section below.
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