How you can save tax under Section 80D on medical grounds

How you can save tax under Section 80D on medical grounds

For a senior citizen who has stopped working every rupee saved is like a rupee earned. This is where Section 80D of the Income-tax Act, 1961 is an important tax saving clause that every senior citizen needs to understand. This section empowers senior citizens to claim deductions on medical insurance premiums. A senior citizen who…

Why my ex-boss moved to WhatsApp after retirement

Why my ex-boss moved to WhatsApp after retirement

By Aditya Mukherjee My boss hated WhatsApp. He considered the WhatsApp groups too informal, and never joined the office WhatsApp group. Result: He missed out on all the juicy gossip. But he didn’t mind. To him, email was the correct channel for all office communication. “Email,” he said “created an electronic record. One can refer…

How to manage sleep disorders among the elderly

How to manage sleep disorders among the elderly

Most adults experience sleep disorders as they age. They complain of insomnia, disturbed sleep or incomplete sleep. Research conducted by three Japanese researchers (Sleep disorders in the elderly: Diagnosis and management)  found that “in both men and women, older age was associated with shorter sleep duration, reduced sleep efficiency, and increased arousal. In men but…

When children become monsters: heartbreaking case of a Sonepat woman

When children become monsters: heartbreaking case of a Sonepat woman

By Ananth Kuckreja The other day I was reading the newspaper in which there was a report of an elderly woman in her late 80s being abused by her son and daughter-in-law. This reminded me of a similar incident of elderly abuse that took place in our next-door neighbour’s home in Sonepat a few years…