I missed my mother’s first symptoms of dementia, you should not

I missed my mother’s first symptoms of dementia, you should not

By Sunil Saxena My mother showed the first symptoms of dementia almost two years ago. But we thought it was erratic behaviour, and spent more time counselling her than finding a cure. This was a cardinal mistake. Today, dementia has set in, and my mother takes two tablets every day – Donep 5 after breakfast…

Digital Dementia: The hidden dangers of screen time

Digital Dementia: The hidden dangers of screen time

By Sunil Saxena A hundred years back when people didn’t have mobile phones, computers or television, the amount of information they would consume in their entire lifetime would be less than what most teenagers and adults consume in a single day today! Our day is filled with WhatsApp chats, Instagram posts, You Tube videos, e-mails,…

How to manage sleep disorders among the elderly

How to manage sleep disorders among the elderly

By Sunil Saxena Most adults experience sleep disorders as they age. They complain of insomnia, disturbed sleep or incomplete sleep. Research conducted by three Japanese researchers (Sleep disorders in the elderly: Diagnosis and management)  found that “in both men and women, older age was associated with shorter sleep duration, reduced sleep efficiency, and increased arousal….

A ‘love all’ for life: 85-year-old shows nothing is impossible

A ‘love all’ for life: 85-year-old shows nothing is impossible

By Amitabh Sharma One’s eyes were transfixed at the tennis court where people were hitting seamless backhand shots, some running around playing volleys, others training on perfecting their game. Among the agile youngsters, and the young at heart, was a gentleman in his tennis gear, gingerly holding the racquet with both hands and gently swinging…

The Dynamic Duo: Exercise and Nutrition

The Dynamic Duo: Exercise and Nutrition

By Dibya Prakash I’m frequently asked during my sessions why I emphasise the value of balancing nutrition and exercise. Many individuals wonder why the finest outcomes can’t be obtained with nutrition alone. This widespread skepticism, however hardly expressed, is rooted in the notion that nutrition alone may produce miraculous results. But it is only occasionally…

A psychologist’s seven mantras for a happy elderly life

A psychologist’s seven mantras for a happy elderly life

By Dibya Prakash I recently read an article highlighting how the younger generation often leave their elderly parents in hometowns while moving to big cities in pursuit of better opportunities for themselves and their families. It questioned whether rising individualism among today’s youth is contributing to a decline in traditional Indian values. But are the…