Beneath the years there’s a younger you, don’t lose it

By Sunil Saxena
When I look at the mirror, I am sometimes reminded of this quote from Terry Pratchett, an English fantasy author: “Inside Every Older Person is a Younger Person Wondering What Happened.”
My face is no longer young; it has started showing unmistakable signs of ageing. My hair and my beard have turned a shocking white. There are frown lines etched on the forehead, and the cheeks have started drooping.
The freshness of youth has vanished. But amazingly, my heart has not changed. Unlike my skin, it is not touched by age; it is still going strong. My mind too does not balk at challenges.
So, what has changed? It is the perception of people around me. I remember a colleague telling me during my retirement party, “There are still a lot of years left in you.”
Yes, indeed. I may find it hard to shift furniture; I may tire after a brisk walk in the morning; I may find it difficult to do two full lengths of the swimming pool. But I can still drive and I love to spend long hours on my computer, writing.
I don’t mind using the senior citizen counters in the hospital; after all they have been set up for people like me. I like the senior citizen discounts even more; why not make use of them while the going is good.
But I do mind when people try to patronise me. They make way for me because I am old. You can call it courtesy. But I need no special favours. I am still the same person with the same likes and dislikes.
I don’t consider age a disability, and I certainly don’t want anyone’s pity. I realise that with every passing year the body will continue to slow down. It is only a machine that will suffer wear and tear.
I am also deeply aware that the world glorifies youth and vitality. It celebrates every triumph of the young. But when it comes to the success stories of the elderly they inevitably “defy age”.
This is not a lament about lost youth. It’s a recognition of the vibrant soul that still resides within me. The dreams that once burned brightly have not faded away entirely; nor the hopes that fuelled ambition. They are all there.
That’s right. Beneath the years, there’s a younger you. The one who chased butterflies and built sandcastle empires. The one who believed that everything was possible.
This isn’t about clinging to the past and proving that you are still relevant. It is about acknowledging the incredible journey that brought you here. The younger you isn’t a ghost, but a vital part of who you are.
Life happened, and guess what? It’s still pretty amazing.
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