A PT teacher reveals how he keeps himself fit at 63

By Manav Taunk
Some habits die hard. One of them is getting up early. Mr. MK Singh, 63, who is a Physical and Health Education teacher at a senior secondary private school in Nawada, Bihar, grew up in a village. He would wake up at 5 am, finish the daily chores and leave for school.
If that was early, Mr Singh now gets up at 4 am. Do you know why? The PT teacher has to take the boarding school students for their morning run and exercises.
If that is not enough, he participates in the exercises and the morning run with the enthusiasm of a “young beginner”. His students marvel at his fitness. “We want to stop, but he goes on.”
His punishing physical routine enables him “to approach each day with excitement and enthusiasm.” He is on the grounds before the students arrive and takes care of the morning assembly. Sometimes he joins the students in the games period.
The PT teacher loves to spend time outdoors, especially in the winter sun, and is very particular about his food. “I consume fresh and balanced meals. Green vegetables and fruits are very high on my diet,” he remarks, and adds, “This mix of regular exercise and healthy food keeps me fit.”
Mr Singh grew up in a village where the social values were different. He finds it hard to accept urban lifestyle and values. “People have become limited to themselves. There is a lack of social consciousness and morality among them,” he complains bitterly.
He strongly believes that nothing is impossible and recalls how he learnt to apply fertilisers in the fields. He said, “My father used to work at a Khadi Gramodyog outlet near the village, and would leave for work by 8 a.m. and return by 6 p.m. This left him little time to take care of the fields.”
One day he turned to me to apply fertilisers. “I was hesitant. I had no clue how much urea, zinc, or pesticide I should use.”
My father showed me the right amounts to apply. “I was happily surprised with the results. It gave me the confidence to do so year after year.”
Now, the PT teacher drills the same mantra in his students. “The only way to learn is by doing.”
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