A comprehensive list of welfare schemes for senior citizens

The government keeps announcing special schemes for senior citizens from time to time. Some of these schemes catch the eyes of the intended beneficiaries; but many never reach the intended targets.
The India Ageing Report 2023 attributes lack of awareness among the elderly as a major reason for the low utilisation of the schemes. The makers of the report also compiled a list of welfare schemes for senior citizens, which it published in Table 3.1 titled “Social security schemes for senior citizens in India”. These are being reproduced here to increase awareness:
Antodaya Anna Yojana: The scheme was initiated in 2000 by Department of Food and Public Distribution (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution). The scheme provides food grains at a highly subsidized rate (Rs 2 per kg for wheat and Rs 3 per kg for rice) to widows/terminally ill persons / persons with disabilities / persons aged 60 years and above.
Annapurna Scheme: The scheme was initiated by Ministry of Rural Development in 2000 / 01. This scheme can be utilised by persons aged 65 years and above who are not receiving pension under the National Old Age Pension Scheme. They can get 10 kg foodgrains per person per month, free of cost.
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana, Ministry of Finance (Life Insurance Corporation of India): The scheme was implemented through LIC of India in 2003. It provides pensioners aged 60 years and above interest payouts, death or maturity benefits during the policy term of 10 years with an assured return. The scheme can be availed through a lump sum payment of the purchase price upto a maximum of Rs 15 lakhs. Both husband and wife can avail it separately. The buyers of this policy can also take a loan after completion of three years. The maximum loan that can be taken is 75% of the purchase price.
Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana, Ministry of Finance (Life Insurance Corporation of India): The scheme was initiated in 2003 and revived in 2014. It provides pension to senior citizens through LIC of India in the form of immediate annuity during the pensioner’s lifetime with the return of purchase price to the family / nominee on his / her death.
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), Ministry of Rural Development: IGNOAPS, which was started in 2007, is the extension of the National Old Age Pension Scheme, 1995. It is a non-contributory scheme that aims to benefit below-poverty-line (BPL) senior citizens, widows and those with disabilities through central government assistance of Rs 200 per month to people in the 60–79 years age group and Rs 500 to people above 80 years of age.
Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme, Ministry of Rural Development: The central government provides a monthly pension of Rs 200 per beneficiary to BPL widows and state governments are also urged to provide the matching amount or more. The scheme was launched in 2009.
Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme, Ministry of Rural Development: The Central government provides Rs 300 per month to persons with disabilities in poor households in the age group of 18–79 years and having 80 percent and above / multiple disabilities. The state government provides an additional Rs 200 per month to each beneficiary. The scheme was launched in 2009.
Jeevan Pramaan, Ministry of Labour and Employment: The scheme allows senior citizens to digitally provide proof of their existence to authorities for continuity of pension every year instead of requiring to present themselves physically or through a Life Certificate issued by specified authorities. The scheme was launched in 2014.
Scheme for Financial Assistance for Veteran Artists: The Union Ministry of Culture provides an assistance of Rs 6,000 as monthly allowance to artistes aged 60 years and above under this scheme. The scheme, which was launched in 1961, was earlier known as Artistes Pension Scheme and Welfare Fund. On the death of the recipient, the financial assistance may be continued at the discretion of the central government after examining the dependents’ financial condition. In case of death of the recipient, the spouse will receive lifetime benefits and dependents will receive till marriage or employment or up to the age of 21 years, whichever is earlier.
Atal Pension Yojana, Ministry of Finance (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority): The scheme aims to help unorganized sector workers save money as they earn and provides guaranteed return post-retirement. Fixed pension for the subscribers ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000, receivable at the age of 60 years, if s/he joins and contributes between the age of 18 and 40 years. The contribution levels increase if the subscriber joins late. The scheme was launched in 215.
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana: This scheme is a government-backed accident insurance scheme and is available to people in the age group 18–70 years with a bank account, who consent to enabling an auto-debit (₹12 per annum per member) on or before May for 31 for the coverage period June 1 to May 31 on an annual renewal basis. A sum of Rs 200,000 will be paid to the nominee in case of death. In case of irrecoverable loss of both eyes, or loss of use of both hands or feet, or loss of sight of one eye and loss of use of hand or foot, a sum of Rs 200,000 will be paid to the subscriber. A sum of Rs 100,000 will be paid in case of irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye or loss of use of one hand or foot. The scheme was introduced in 2015.
Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS), Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs): The main objective is to provide a regular income to those above 60 years of age. The main features of the scheme include tax benefits, safe investment, account transfer facility across the country, and a higher interest rate. The scheme requires a minimum deposit of ₹1,000 and the multiples thereof to the maximum of Rs 30 lakhs. An individual who is 60 plus on the date of opening of an account or an individual who is 55–59 years old and has retired [under superannuation, Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) or Special VRS], can open an account. The tenure of the scheme is for 5 years, with premature withdrawal allowed under certain circumstances. The scheme was introduced in 2019 and amended in 2020.
(For more details visit India Ageing report 2023, published by International Institute for Population Sciences and United Nations Population Fund.)
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