7 cliches about ageing that all elders must reject

By Aavesh Anand
As you grow old, you are besieged by cliches about old age. These are hurled at you the moment you turn 60. You are told that old age is all about slowing down, falls are inevitable, and that seniors can’t keep up with new technology.
Really? Please remember one key fact of life. Ageing is not a one-size-fits-all experience, and many of the cliches you might’ve heard are just plain myths. In reality, getting older doesn’t mean saying goodbye to energy, curiosity, or even new adventures.
Let’s look at seven common cliches and what should be your response.
Cliche 1: Exercises can prove counter-productive among elders.
Reality: Exercise is important whether you are young, middle-aged or past 60. It keeps your heart healthy, strengthens muscles, and improves balance.
The right response: Try a mix of activities—walking, swimming, strength training with light weights, or yoga. And always check in with your doctor before starting a new workout routine.
Cliche 2: Expect memory loss as you age.
Reality: While slight forgetfulness is common, severe memory loss isn’t. Many older adults keep their minds sharp and active, and don’t suffer memory loss.
The right response: Keep your brain active—do puzzles, read, or pick up a new hobby. And stay social, eat healthy, and exercise.
Cliche 3: There is no need for vaccines once you go past 60.
Reality: Vaccines are important for all ages. They help protect against illnesses like flu and pneumonia, and must be taken at all ages.
The right response: Talk to your doctor about getting the flu shot every year, along with vaccines for pneumonia. Staying up-to-date with vaccines can keep you healthier longer.
Cliché 4: Seniors need not fret about nutrition.
Reality: Nutrition is the key for all ages, not just for seniors. Your body needs fewer calories but more vitamins and minerals to stay strong and fight illness.
The right response: Don’t slash your food intake. Instead, change your food mix. Focus more on fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, and proteins.
Cliche 5: Medicines are a double-edged sword in old age and must be avoided.
Reality: Medicines are lifesavers and essential to manage chronic conditions. You just need to be careful about dosages and possible side effects.
The right response: Don’t shun medicines. Work closely with your doctor to ensure you’re taking the right medications. Regular check-ins can help minimize side effects. Don’t hesitate to report any issues to your healthcare provider.
Cliche 6: Age takes away your ability to learn new things.
Reality: The human brain is incredible. It can keep learning and growing at any age.
The right response: Take up a new hobby, learn a new skill. It will add years to your life.
Cliché 7: Falls are inevitable as you age.
Reality: Falls are definitely a big concern, but anyone can fall at any point of time. They are not necessarily limited to the elderly.
The right response: Engage in exercises that improve balance and strength. Keep your home free of tripping hazards and use assistive devices if needed.
Reject these cliches and take control of your life. Age will not be an impediment to healthier living.
Read also:
The world’s biggest lie: seniors are not on social media
How elders can make best use of smartphones
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Useful tips. Good one.